Jago FM

Jago FM

Enough of social pretensions; enough of propaganda's, it is high time to speak up; it is high time to raise the voice. ‘এবার জাগো’!

Let your mind speak up, let your voice raise to the fullest, scream out loud against all the odds of yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s. Do not just remain silent and live a mediocre life.

We, Jago Fm came here to raise our voice against all odds and immorals with a bunch of freshers. Our voices are our crucial dominance. We are YOU! We are the youth. So come and raise yourself up with us, let us be the voice of yours.

We started our expedition on,2014. As a newest edition of this FM industry, we brought along our frequency on 94.4 fm.

After primitive months of test transmission we have been on aired on, 2014. We began our journey with the motto of emancipation. We are the rebel eternal; we will raise our head beyond this world. We are bringing along all the enthusiastic vibes with us, through the eternal path of Music and Art by the whole of the Artists and the Pacifiers. Jago is a platform where you can be yourself. We are not the voice of any race, any particular religion, any political party, any particular country; we are the voice of this world; we speak universal language. Our creed is on humanity. Let us come together and sing a universal national anthem; there will be no language barriers, only a musical voyage. Notes, harmonies, tones, chords, strains, instruments and the voices will be the only elements to pursue this journey. So, do not just sit over there and kill the time on vilifying.

Wake up, rise up, raise your voice, lead the society, let’s heal the world conjointly. Wake up! ‘এবার জাগো’!

Working Hour: 12am To 12am
105,Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue, Gulshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01992662768
E-mail: info@jago.fm
URL: Click For Website
Facebook: Click For Facebook Page
